Monday, March 21, 2011

A Few Things You Should Know {My Life}

Yes.  I know.

This is not part 2 of the card making tutorial.  But you know what?  It's coming.  Later.

I recently decided, that if you are going to follow this blog, you should know why it was started, and who started it!  Wouldn't you agree?

A few things you should know about moi:

1. I go through phases of obsession.  One day its cards, and the next day it's flowers.  But heck, who really cares?

2. I not only love to craft, but my secret that you should know, is that I also love to write.  Yes, that means English is my favorite subject, and no, I am not a nerd.

3.   I love to make lists.  I don't know why.  Some crazy obsession of my mothers, probably.

4.  Apparently I have an accent, but I don't hear it...

5.  I love flowers.  I don't know why, but it's something strange that I like, such as how simple things intrigue me.

6.  I can never stay with one thing.  Such as this blogs many many backgrounds.  Sorry that I change them so often:)

7.  I play not one, but two instruments.

8.  It bothers me so bad if the blinds are closed during the daytime.

9.  I love to make lists (hence this list)

10.  When there is an awkward silence, and I don't know what to do, I  laugh, just to fill in the silence.

Well, that's me.  I have plenty more quirks about me...  I'm sure you do too!  Leave a comment so I can get to know you better, too!