Monday, March 21, 2011

Card Making Tip {Part Two}

I know that you all have been just crazy waiting for me to post the next part to the three part tutorial...  Sorry I didn't get it in when I said I would, but, hey, better late than never!

Part two of this tutorial is all about using patterns in cards.  So, by now, you have picked out your colors, and are ready to use them, right?  Well, almost right.  You have your colors picked out, but now you need to organize your patterns, because if you have too many patterns, they will clash, and you will end up with an ugly mess.

First thing you need to look at when choosing patterns, is choosing your base color, which will most likely be the one that does not have a pattern at all, or doesn't have a large pattern, but you can still make a cute card with your main paper that has a pattern.  Let's start with one that does NOT have a pattern to it.

Step 1:  Choose your base color
Let's say that I am using this lovely teal color.

Don't you just love how it is double-sided?  It makes a wonderful inside.

Step 2:  Once you have chosen your color of paper, fold it as you would a card to figure out about what dimensions you are going to use, and slice it to those dimensions with a paper cutter.

Step 3:  Choose a piece of interest to put on your card, such as a flower {see my torn paper flower tutorial}, a stripe of another paper, polka dots, etc.  For this particular card, I chose to use TWO different stripes.  See how I laid them out?

Keep laying things out until you get the desired effect.  Have fun!