Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Beginnings!

One day a girl who is totally in love with crafting and everything about it, decided that she was going to make a blog, that is totally dedicated to crafting and everything about it. And guess what? You've found it! is a crafting website dedicated to craftiness and creativity. It is a blog that lets me share all of my ideas with you, and in return, hopefully get some ideas back!

A little about myself: I live in Utah. I have found time to make crafts inside, read fabulous crafting blogs, take nature walks to get the inspiration flowing, and have written them all down, just for you! I have decided to try and post something new (nearly) every day of the week, in hopes that my little blog will make its way onto your list of every day must-read blogs!

So that's me. Thanks for taking your time to mosy on over here to my blog, and if your friends ask you where you've been getting YOUR inspiration from, tell them they'll have to go check out!